Sunday, July 17, 2011

My dashboard for Coast to Coast ride

During my tour I will use my Garmin Oregon 450T as my main "cycling computer". The GPS is very flexible when it comes to the setup. The current setup I will be using during the ride. On the first field the current altitude is shown. This might come in handy when we are climbing and the altitude of the mountain is known. That gives some "motivation" to know how many meters still need to be climbed. Next to that field the daytrip distance. This field will be cleared at the start of every new cycling day. Than one very important field which is the heartbeat. On this screenprint I didnt wear a heartbeat strap so no measurement was made. The heartbeat is very important, especially during climbs. It gives you the possibility to control your pace and not go to fast. Going to fast means a very though end of the day being completely without any energy. I know the hearbeat that I am able to keep up during a whole day. The next field shows the current time. Then the speed, not very important but nice to know. The average speed of the ride is shown in the next field. Another field that might come in handy is the expected time that the sun will set. Then another very important field. My knee saver.. the amount of RPM's that I am making on the pedals. The pace should be at least something in between 80 and 100 turns per minute in order to keep your knees healthy. Then my battery life and the last is the total time stopped during the day.

The next screen is another setting of the GPS which shows the route that we will be following. Thanks to some great people the whole route that we will be following has been loaded in the GPS. Its a matter of following a line in order to stick to the route. Further a nice feature that Maarten figured out is the elevation profile of the route that is shown above the map. Nice to know what kind of mountains are coming up on the rest of the route.

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